12. mai 2009

Yosemite 8.-11. mai

Text from "I Hope You Dance - journal"
Mark D. Sanders & Tia Sillers

"Let's talk about mountains.
You start climbing one, you toil, you sweat, you finally reach the top,
and what do you get?

Well, along with a sense of accomplishment, of peace, of a job well done,
along with the satisfaction of doing what you set out to do...
you get a great view of the next mountain.
Looming. Challenging.
Calling your name.

But wait!

Don't feel like you have to take on that next mountain yet.
Let's dwell on this one for a while.
Lay there with your hands stretched out behind your head.
Watch the clouds running across the sky and tell yourself you're on top of the world, because in a sense you are.
Just be for now, for you.
Then, when you're ready... pick yourself up, dust yourself off, put that pack on your back, and start climbing down. One foot in front of the other, that's all you can do.
This walk never ends, you know. There's always another mountain.
That's what makes life thrilling, and you breathless.

There are days, there are times, when you feel like you've walked so far,
when the voice inside you is complaining that it's all uphill, that it always will be.
And then, after all that, way beyond your blue horizon,
you see the biggest mountains you've ever seen, and you think,
"I can't do that."

Well, I hope you always have somebody who tells you that you can.
Like I'm telling you now."

7 kommentarer:

  1. Anonym15:19

    Bokstavene går jo ikke an å lese... det er sånne rare symboler, ikke vanlige bokstaver. Kan du ikke legge det ut på nytt, jeg elsker jo å lese bloggen :)
    Hilsen Marte

  2. Jeg har prøvd å fikse det nå! Det var aldri noe rart når jeg åpnet siden fra min data, så vanskelig for meg å se om det er bedre... Er det bedre? :)

    Marte fra Stange, Marte? :)

  3. Anonym20:19

    Nå er det bra! :) Tusen takk!

  4. Wow, så flott tur!

  5. heeerlig herlige Jenny!

  6. Breathtaking pictures. De er virkelig vanskelig å kommentere med ord - bare lyder, jeg skal forsøke nå:
    Heeeeeelt nydelig.

  7. Anonym23:32

    Mektige fjell og natur!, jeg drømmer meg jo helt bort!
